Saturday, November 9, 2013

What have you been up to this year?

Well, I think I said I would post more when I posted right after the New Year....and now here it is November and not a post.  Oh well...I have kept up with the jar of memories from this year.  I am super excited to go through those at the end of the year with my family.  I am actually thinking of turning this into a cool yearly activity, and adding our special memories to a book that we keep year-to-year. :)

Here is a pic of ours:

This is a shelf in our kitchen wall cabinets...I keep an extra supply of small papers behind it, and there is a pen close by.  I don't write something everyday.  I do include big events, but I think the small events are what make us appreciate each other even more.  For example, DH worked in his workshop today, I helped host a baby shower with my Mom, DS1 is home this weekend from college, DS2 has an indoor soccer game tonight, and DS3 finished his novel project.  Those are things that tell a lot about us and are part of our everyday happiness. :)

BTW, that shelf is NEVER that clean...just took down Halloween decorations so it looks very tidy....for now. ;)

If you are reading my blog...thanks!  Hope your everyday is filled with happiness.

Rhonda :)

1 comment:

Missy said...

I am so glad you posted this update and reminded me that I want to try this starting Jan 1!! I am sure you are going to have a ball reading the memories!!