Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year...flying by!

I can't believe, well okay I really can believe, I haven't posted since the new year. I have thought about it many times, but didn't find the time. Today is a snow day, so today is the day! Happy Belated New Year to anyone who might actually be reading this blog. :)

Busy here as usual, but a snow day always makes us slow down, stay home, and spend great time at home. I truly am a 'homebody' at heart...I love being home...all my favorite people are here and all our favorite things!

Spent the morning rolling coins..that change really adds up! $89 to take to the bank and put in our vacation fund (another thing I love and it does not involve being home, but I always love coming back too!). Also had a great time laughing as I watched the boys play in the snow. More snow and ice is expected throughout the afternoon and into tomorrow, so looks good for another snow day! Yeah!

Things I want to do today:

1. Visit all my favorite blogs &
2. Scrapbook!!!!! I want to finish DS2's baby book, and start DS3's.
3. Update blog and add a new picture.
4. Whatever my little heart desires! :)

I hope you are having a wonderful day and doing the things that you love in the place you love to do and everyday!

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